Does this person have a flexible approach, or are they more disciplined in how they handle things?
Self-control: Structure and flexibility. Is the candidate quite realistic and objective, or are they more intuitive and creative? Does the candidate have an assertive style, or are they more cooperative? Independence: Influence and collaboration. Does the person spend more time focusing on their relationships in the workplace or completing tasks? The sixteen traits of the 16PF (Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire) can be divided into five umbrella categories, as follows: Hiring managers enjoy using this tool during the recruitment process to find out how an applicant may interact with others and determine whether that person may fit well with the other personalities in the team. This assessment is used to predict behavior in the workplace, as well as performance and communication. This psychometric tool is designed to measure the respondents against sixteen different factors that, when combined, make up your personality. Today, the 16PF (Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire) is a self-assessment report that uses the five-factor model of personality. Developed by Dr Raymond Cattel, this tool was first published in 1949. The 16PF (Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire) provides a way to assess an individual’s personality using a structured approach. What Is A 16PF (Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire)? Find out more about how it works and the pros and cons of incorporating it into your next recruitment process. One test that many recruiters are now using is the 16PF (Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire).
Discover insights into your candidates and how well-suited they are to the position available by asking them to take a pre-employment assessment.
If you’re looking to streamline your recruitment processes and make better hiring decisions, pre-employment testing can help with this.